Active Minds UNT

University of North Texas


UNT Active Minds

Bianca Mujica
Caleb Morales


  1. Hey Ivan!

    How have you been? :) I hope you enjoyed the "I Spy" book, I sure know I did. As you know, my major is biology and this semester I'm taking Cellular Biology (study of cells and their functions), Immunology (the study of the immune system), physics and advanced research.

    What topics are you learning about this semester? Are there any biology questions that you have? If so, I'd be happy to answer them. Can't wait to hear from you soon!

    Caleb Morales

    1. Dear Caleb,

      I loved the the I spy book, it's really entertaining. I don't know if you know, but we are going to UNT on the 23rd of March, I hope to see you th there. So I have a question. What kind of job could you get with a biology major? What is biology the study of? My favorite subjects are math and science. In math I'm learning the metric system and how to convert it. I'm really excited to start middle school next year because I got accepted to the Young Mens Leadership Academy!

      I hope to hear back soon.

      Ivan Flores

    2. Hey Ivan!

      Sorry for the delayed response, things have gotten a little crazy around here! I did hear about the event happening on the 23rd but sadly I wont be able to attend. :( During that time I will be presenting the research done by my group and I this semester at the American Society for Microbiology conference. :) It will be a lot of work but Im ready to put in the hours.

      To answer your questions, you can get all kinds of jobs with a biology degree! Im taling classes alongside future dentists, veterenarians, botanists, chemists, ecologists, biotechnicians, and so much more. Granted, most of those reauire additional schooling after college but they all start with biology degrees. :) Biology is the study of life, in all of its forms. Ive studied the smallest components of life (the cell) up to the biggest ecosystems, and theres always something new to learn. Congratulations on getting into the Young Mens Leadership Academy! It sounds like youre already doing what you want to do and I couldnt be happier for you.Im really glad you enjoy math and science as they are the foundation on which human society is built :) Learn them well and you can do and go wherever you want in life.

      Caleb Morales

    3. Dear Caleb,
      I just came from spring break a couple days ago and I needed to catch up in some things.sorry for not responding back for 13 days but who's counting. I got a question for you are we going to write still after the field trip because I love being pen pals with you. That's all I have for this letter and thank you for letting me know for the jobs I could get.
      Sincerely ,

    4. Hey Ivan!
      I'd love to be pen pals with you after the field trip. :) Any time you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll get back to you asap! I changed my homescreen to this page so I shouldn't be responding more than a couple days late from now on!


    5. Dear Caleb,
      I really enjoyed U.N.T and I learned a lot, but I wished you were there. I learned you could create your own schedule and take classes that go with your degree. And the campus was so big it is about 1 mile wide and about 2 miles in length. My favorite memory is meeting you and touring the UNT campus.

      Your friend,

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Dear Ivan,
      I apologize for not being there but even though I wasnt able to be there when you toured campus, I will be there on friday. (technically today) and I already know we're going to have a great time :) I've been looking forward to it since we started sending letters!

      Take care,

    8. Dear Caleb,

      How have you been, I'm great I just started middle school a couple moths ago at Young Mens Leadership Academy. I started playing the trumpet. Im also learning Latin in my school. Im in a program called Generation Hope. If I continue through high school I will graduate with a high school diploma and associates degree at the same time. I remember you, telling me to join extra ciriculum activies because they look good for scholarships, so I joind wiz quiz. I hope your having a good semester. What classes are you taking now?


    9. Hey Ivan!

      I've been doing well, its really good to hear from you! :) Thats great you've picked up the trumpet, its a really fun instrument. My advice would be to practice your embouchure, if you do you'll rise to the top of your section :) I always wanted to learn Latin but I never had the option back in grade school, you should teach me sometime haha. Graduating with your associates is a super smart thing to do and I wish I had done it, keep following that path! How do you like Wiz Quiz?
      I am having a good semester, my classes this year are parasitology, marine biology and pharmacology :) They're really interesting but difficult classes!

      Hope you have a great one,

    10. Dear Caleb,
      Sorry I haven't been able to respond. How have you been? Wiz quiz is really great also I can show you a bit of latin this semester where goign to learn the words last semester we were learning the history of latin and the like the empire, but I do know some words (example: fame means hungry also you have to make hand signals.
      Ivan Flores

    11. Hey Ivan! It was really great to see you on campus :) I hope you had a good time that day, I know I did! Its always awesome to see you and ruby growing up and becoming tiny adults. =P Tell me how your semester is going and what classes you have next year if you know them!

      Caleb Morales

  2. Hi Ruby!

    I’m Bianca Mujica. (We met at the Christmas party in December!) I’m majoring in journalism because I want to write for newspapers after college. Right now I’m learning about photography, law, writing and graphic design. I’ve also taken classes in science, history and government - you can take whatever classes you want in college!

    I’m also the president of two clubs, I write for the school newspaper and I have a job checking out cameras to other students. I’ll be done with college in December and I’m really excited to graduate! I might stay in Denton or I might go back home to McAllen (it’s on the Rio Grande River, really close to Mexico.)

    I hope you’re enjoying school and I can’t wait to see you again!

    Bianca Mujica

    1. Hi Bianca,

      How have you been? I've been great, I'm learning new things in school, like multiplication. On Friday March 23, we are taking a field trip to your university and I hope to see you there. Do you get breaks at school? What are the two clubs that you are President in? Which is your favorite class? My favorite subject is math. How many classes do you have to take to graduate?
      I hope to hear from you soon!

      Ruby Flores

    2. Hi Ruby!

      I’ve been really busy with school, but I’m enjoying all my classes and I hope you are too. I will see you on March 23 when you visit UNT, and I can’t wait! We do get breaks at school, but they change depending on what day of the week it is. What do you like to do during your breaks? Sometimes my breaks are ten minutes, sometimes they are four hours. The two clubs I’m president of are called Active Minds and To Write Love on Her Arms. They are focused on mental health, which means I help people to be happy and healthy. My favorite class of the ones I’m taking right now are English and history. You have to 40 classes to graduate, but some people do less and some people do more depending on what they’re studying. I’m glad you like math! What other classes are you taking? If you have any more questions I’d love to answer them!

      Bianca Mujica

    3. HI Bianca,

      Sorry for not responding sooner. Thank you for meeting me and my big brother Ivan.I liked when you showed me the steps of how to make the eagle and thank you for teaching how to make it.Right now we are learning about polygons.My favorite thing to do at school is to read books because they're stories.I would like to hear about your favorite thing at school.The best memory from this project is getting to know you.

    4. Hi Ruby!

      I also loved getting to know you and I'm so happy you are my pen pal. My favorite memory is when I showed you and Ivan the Starbucks vending machine, but the coffee spilled everywhere because I didn't put a cup! It was silly of me but I hope it made you laugh.

      My favorite part about school is that everything is my choice, which means I can spend lots of time doing what I love, like writing stories in the newspaper and helping the people in my clubs.

      See you soon!

      Your friend,
      Bianca Mujica

    5. Hi Ruby!

      I know it's been a while so I just wanted to say hi, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's! I hope you enjoyed the holidays.

      So as you know, I graduated from UNT just a few weeks ago. Now I'm going to spend the next four months in Florida for my new job! I'll send you a postcard while I'm there.

      How do you like your new school? I can't wait to hear all about it!

      Much love,

    6. Hi Bianca,

      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! How have you been? Sorry for not responding sooner. I joined cheerleading at my school which I really liked but that just ended. I was also training for the spelling bee, where I got 6th place. Im also excited because I've gotten straight A's on my report cards and
      I'm making new friends. I am also enjoying learning multiplication. Im sorry I couldn't go to your graduation, I really wanted to go but my parents were working. When will you leave to Florida? What will your new job be? Did UNT get you the job in Florida?

      Can't wait to hear back from you!

      Your Friend,

    7. Hi Ruby!

      I’m glad you enjoyed cheerleading and the spelling bee and multiplication! Congrats on making straight A’s and new friends.

      No worries about the graduation! I completely understand. :)

      I’ve been in Florida for a few weeks now! I’m working with an organization called To Write Love on Her Arms. UNT didn’t get me the job, but the things I did at UNT did help me get it.

      My job is answering emails from people who need help with their mental health, using our Facebook and Twitter and Instagram accounts, and reading the stories people send in to decide which ones we put on our website. We also do events where we talk to people that need help or want information. I’m having lots of fun and I’m living in a house with five other people that are doing the same thing as I am!

      I’d love to hear more about how you’re enjoying school and what you’re involved in. :)


  3. Hello Juan!

    I am Nicholas Stiltner and I am really excited to get to know you! My major is Ecology, which is the study of all things in the environment including plants and animals and even non-living things like rocks and soil. This semester I am taking classes about Ecology, Evolution, Poetry, and Physics. This is my first semester of my senior year, so I am getting ready to graduate soon!

    I heard you really like clifford and playing minecraft. I also love minecraft, I like to build things and explore the new worlds!

    How have you been? Do you like your classes this year? What is your favorite subject, and who is your favorite teacher? I hope it is going well!

    Nicholas Stiltner

  4. Dear Nicholas,
    My name is Juan Hernandez and I am 7 years old. My family and I like to go shopping. Afterschool, I like to do my homework. My favorite food is tamales con queso. I like Mexican music.

  5. Dear Nicholas,
    I had fun on the field trip to UNT. I liked when we made Origami eagles out of paper. Thank you for helping me. I have been doing well in school. My favorite subject is math, and we are learning about polygons. Good luck with your classes at UNT. -Juan
